
Ever Get The Feeling You're Being Cheated

Waking up in the dark has got to be one of the most depressing experiences. You feel overtired and that feeling seems to last most of the day. A couple of my friends recently told me how white light therapy helped in coping with this winter funk. I'm curious and may have a go at it myself. Hell, it might do wonders for my sickly albino exterior...

Meaty Ogre is a beat maker from Chicago, Illinois, who's done some great remix work for Canada's Sixtoo along with other hip hop folk on the Galapagos 4 label. This year he released the Carne Asada 7" to much praise from several hip hop and indie blogs. Its a mish mash of instrumental hip hop, jazz and jungle. I'm hoping for a full length album from this guy soon.

Check out Ventanas De Hielo by Meaty Ogre
Taken from the Carne Asada 7"
Visit Meaty Ogre's myspace page

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